Thought of the Day

My Huckleberry Prayer

Dear God,

You gave me the knowledge, resources and desire to plant these seeds. I pray that you will help them grow to your glory. And thank you for making huckleberries, we love them.


Wednesday, April 28, 2010

New Leaves

Hi All. Sorry that it's been a few weeks since my last post. The "waiting for the seeds to do something" phase is only so exciting and informative:
"Today I sprayed the seeds. Then I sprayed the seeds again. Then it rained. Then it hailed. Then it was warm again."
See what I mean.
But the waiting is done (I hope) Today, while I was waiting the pots. I noticed that two of them have teeny tiny leaves just above the dirt line. THEY LIVE!!!! I know that the seed packet said to wait 4-8 weeks but after week 4 hit I was beginning to get nervous.
So now, I'm still going to keep on with the other plants now that I know I was doing something right. But I will also be nurturing and caring for the little buds very carefully. Quite honestly, the only thing more nerve wracking than waiting for seeds to start sprouting is the hoping that those little sprouts you've waited so long to see actually stick around.

PS for anyone who was wondering about that sprout I wrote about a few weeks back. I want to say it was a weed because it didn't look anything like these sprouts and it died very fast.

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