Thought of the Day

My Huckleberry Prayer

Dear God,

You gave me the knowledge, resources and desire to plant these seeds. I pray that you will help them grow to your glory. And thank you for making huckleberries, we love them.


Friday, March 26, 2010

The first sprout

This is AWESOME!!!! My research has been telling me that I shouldn't expect the plants to begin sprouting for at least weeks. I am totally fine with this, I understand that patience is important for growing plants. However, I was in for a surprise today. When I went to spray my pots today, I noticed a tiny little sprout sticking up from the soil. If anything I'm taking it as encouragement that I'm tending to the seeds the right way.

1 comment:

  1. Congratulations on your new arrivals! I love the blog, Pip.
