Thought of the Day

My Huckleberry Prayer

Dear God,

You gave me the knowledge, resources and desire to plant these seeds. I pray that you will help them grow to your glory. And thank you for making huckleberries, we love them.


Sunday, May 16, 2010

Moving Forward

So, there isn't too much to say about the plants at the moment. I have got about four seedling. Three in one pot and one in another pot. The other 10 pots haven't done anything yet. I'm gonna give them a few more weeks incase there are some late bloomers though.
The seedlings seem to all be doing about the same. There is one in particular that is growing faster than the other. I am not entirely sure why but I want to say it's because it's closer to the middle of the pot than the others which are closer to the sides.
I've decided that once they get big enough that it will be easier to get the root system out with the plants, I'll move the plants to their own pots. Hopefull that will provide each of them with more water and nutrients so they're not fighting over them.
If anyone has any suggestions because they know more than I do I'm all open for suggestions.

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