Thought of the Day

My Huckleberry Prayer

Dear God,

You gave me the knowledge, resources and desire to plant these seeds. I pray that you will help them grow to your glory. And thank you for making huckleberries, we love them.


Tuesday, June 15, 2010


Sorry that it's been awhile since I have updated, things have been crazy and I haven't gotten a chance to sit down and blog, although there have been times that I have wanted too. Also sorry that I don't have any current pictures up at the moment. I will try and get some up when I have more time.

So a bunch of things have happened since my last post. In general the plants are doing okay. They haven't died yet so I'm encouraged. However, I have been trying to find the right watering and fertilizing regimen and decide if the plants are in a good spot in the yard.

I keep the plants up against the house which is very sunny most of the day. So far this has been the ideal place. I tried moving them to beneath the tree in our yard. I I thought that the plants would still get sun but they'd be shaded a little bit so that they wouldn't scorch. The area I found is awfully shady and while that did not really hurt the plants I worried that it might eventually so I moved the plants back to the side of the house.

As for fertilizing I have found that mixing the compost with the coffee grounds works the best so right now I am fertilizing all the plants a few times a week with they mixture.

WE had quite a bit of rain this past weekend and I think the plants flourished a bit in it. This is encouraging because now I don't have to worry about accidentally over watering the plants. I have also begun to add Downy softener into the water. This is a tip that I learned from a friend who found that watering with Downy water keeps the bugs away. It doesn't hurt the plants as Downy is made with biodegradable ingredients. I began doing this because I found that some of the leaves have been nibbled. It seems to work because I sprayed some on the plants yesterday a bug in one of the pots went scurrying.

I think that's all for now. I will try to have some pictures next time. As always I am open to suggestions whether huckleberry related or just basic gardening tips. I'll mention you in the blog post if I use anything.

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